Creativity Tip:
Artful Accounting
Artellagram 4-27-13

Tax time in the U.S. is over…let's celebrate with a new kind of artful accounting!

The new "Gratitude Garden" ARTbundance™ Adventure includes an "ARTsignment Kit" with 75+ pieces of downloadable art supplies to include in your art projects, inspired by the ARTsignment™ called "Accounting Your Blessings".

Years ago -- right when I launched Artella in 2002 in fact -- durnig a time in my life when my personal finances were, say, a little less-than-inspiring :-), I knew I needed a way to at least feel really, really good about myself and rich inside. I started keeping track of all the things for which I was grateful in an old accounting ledger, feeling each entry as a "deposit" in my prosperity account. It was amazing to see my "balance" getting bigger and bigger, and miracles seemed to be flying my way at an almost-constant speed. I called this process "Accounting Your Blessings" and ended up sharing it as one of Artella's very first eCourses, back in 2003!

This is an excellent way to cultivate a regular gratitude practice and it creates a sense of "muscle memory" for wealth. This technique is very helpful at taking the emphasis off of financial concerns, so you can become more aware of the riches that ARE in your life. I've found that the more aware I am of blessings, the more blessings come my way, often in synchronous, surprising ways.

Now with the brand-new free "Accounting You Blessings" Kit, you can make your own "accounting art" which interprets the "Accounting Your Blessings" techniques through an artistic format! You can get the free Gratitude Garden ARTbundance™ Adventure here, and have instant access to the "Creative Corkboard" of 75+ pieces to download and incorporate into your art, as well as a fun Instruction and Idea book for even more inspiration.

Here are some examples of "Accounting Art" that were made entirely from components in the kit:



A very simple approach is to create a piece of "Accounting Art" to illustrate the relationship between gratitude and prosperity:
  1. Go to this page to get your free Gratitude Garden ARTbundance™ Adventure.

  2. From the Gratitude Garden Postcard Portal, connect to the "Accounting Your Blessings" ARTsignment Kit.

  3. Select one of the Kit backgrounds.

  4. Add one of the journal blocks from this Kit and add an affirmation or intention to it.

  5. Embellish and enhance as you like.

  6. Download your choice of Accounting Your Blessings worksheets and begin the process, committing to try it for at least 7 days.

Have fun!

Through May 3, we are accepting applications for ACT 9 and for the very first time, you can attend an actual sample class…for free! See what ARTbundance™ Certification Training is all about with this free ACT Appetizer training class on this Wednesday!
Get info about the Free ACT Appetizer Training teleclass on May 1….

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