In the Studio

Featured in the ARTELLAGRAM 4-13-13
An Interview with MaryJo Briggs

Our interview this month is with MaryJo Briggs

MaryJo Briggs

Artella: What led you to become a Certified ARTbundance Coach?

MaryJo: I enrolled in ARTbundance for two reasons. First, to see if I could use creativity to heal my life. Second, to use it as a tool to help others use creativity to move forward in life and business.

Artella: How has your ARTbundance training affected your work and/or life?

MaryJo: ARTbundance has helped me more than I EVER imagined. It helped me to create connection within myself and to the world oustide of me. It served as the missing pieces to grow my healing business and to help me step into my life instead of staying stuck in a tumultuous past.

Connection by MaryJo Briggs

Artella: In your mind, how are creativity and spirituality related?

MaryJo: Funny, but I've always thought that creativity and spirituality were the same thing. I honestly thought that ARTbundance WAS about spirituality.

Artella: How is prosperity related to creativity and spirituality?

MaryJo: We create prosperity and the things we desire and need by tapping into the powers of co-creation. The concept of co-creation is a spiritual concept. You can literally use the powers of co-create to create and bring to you anything you desire as long as it's in alignment with your highest and best good: which is actually a spiritual concept. For me, prosperity is a state of pure bliss. It's where all the different areas of my life are in balance elevating my mind and body, leading me on the path to deeper and deep spirituality and connection to the Divine.

Artella: What kinds of people do you most enjoy working with? Who is your ideal client?

MaryJo: My ideal client is a woman who wants to make her way out of challenging or life limiting circumstances (whether in business or life) and move into a more enlightened, livelier and successful version of herself. I also enjoy working with creatives and holistic healing professionals in moving their businesses forward.

Artella: ARTbundance Coaching is based on nine ARTbundance Principles. Do you have a favorite Principle, or one that you really enjoy activating in other people? Which one, and why?

MaryJo: My personal favorite is connection. Before ARTbundance I was living a disconnected life. Now I use my awesome feeling of connection to ground myself and activate the principle of choice in women who need my support and guidance.

Artella: What does your future hold? What projects are you working on now?

MaryJo: My future is brighter than it's ever been! The tools I've learned from ARTbundance continue to support my unfoldment in life and business. I am in the process of creating an online community for women and launched my mediumship and psychic site since graduating from ARTbundance. I have clarity of purpose and the skills to pursue my passions which include writing and speaking.

I am being featured in a new book, "Pebbles in the Pond : Transforming the World One Story at a Time" Wave 2.

I have two signature systems. "The Spirituality of Food" is a one day workshop where I use inspiration, creativity, spirituality and my knowledge as a health and nutrition coach to lead people to eat better, live better and ahcieve their soul's purpose. I use ARTbundance activities in this workshop. I'm teaching a new workshop called: "Heart Centered Healing: Allowing Your Spirit to Soar" and I'll be using ARTbundance principles in this workshop as well. These workshops are offered at the World renowned Lily Dale Assembly.

I am now able to complete my book, "Windows of Awareness: A Mystics Guide to Bulimia-free Living" incorprating some ARTbundance and archaeology assignments. Prior to taking ARTbundance, I wasn't sure how my book would come together but now it's all very clear.

I have an ebook called "The Prosperity Shift" that will be complete soon and it is based on the concepts of spirituality, creativity and bliss.

With the concepts of ARTbundance, there's no limit to what I will be able to create. ARTbundance is THE best personal growth and holistic or creative business course or program I've ever taken!

To learn more about MaryJo, "The Mystic Messenger", and her inspiring projects, visit her at

Join us at a special event which celebrates the one-year anniversary The Creating Time Mega Event and the launch of the #1 Amazon Bestseller Creating Time. It's a free teleclass on Thursday, April 18, at 8:00pm Eastern, called Time Tango 2013: Using ARTbundance to Romance Your Greatest Resource.

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