~Work du Soleil~ Part Deux:
The Enchanting Product Playground

This Free Teleclass by Artella Founder Marney Makridakis was held on
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fill out the form below to download your free copy

A message from Artella Founder Marney Makridakis:

I invite all bold, boisterous bohemian souls to join me for an all-new, soulfully whimsical experience: ~Work du Soleil~ Part Deux: The Enchanting Product Playground, a playful and practical free teleworkshop for creative entrepreneurs and anyone who has ever dreamed of earning money doing what you love, while also being what you love.

The original ~ Work du Soleil ~ workshop was presented a year ago, and it was one of our most popular teleclasses ever. Lots of people showed they are ready to imagine a world where work feels like play.

Now we're taking these concepts to the next level and applying them to one of the most challenging aspects of making a business or creative dream come true: product development and marketing.

    * Are you thinking about starting a new creative business?

    * Are you not necessarily interested in starting a "business", but would like to know how you could use your creativity to bring in a little extra spending money?

    * Do you have an existing business but would like to harness your creativity to increase your revenue?

The Enchanting Product Playground is a living laboratory for all of the above...a place to discover and create your bold, ingenious new product ideas and have so much fun doing it!

Just as the Cirque du Soleil Company reinvented the traditional circus with their bold, wild approach, you can infuse your work in a similar way by incoporating similar elements, such as...

divinely wild ideas...
beautiful, dynamic artistry...
unexpected, magical intrigue...
bold, colorful design...
playful, abstract acrobatics...
and whimsical flights of fancy....

The free ~Work du Soleil Part Deux~ event will show you how to harness these exciting elements into products that you can sell, as you discover and express your true calling.

~Work du Soleil~ is a free teleclass which was held on Thursday, September 27, 2012.

In this teleclass, you will...

  • Engage in transformative tools to discover your own personal key to playful abandon and learn how this discovery alone will bring more momentum, motivation, and magic into your dreams (you might be surprised at what you discover!)

  • Be guided through a fun process that seems to magically turn your quirky interests, eccentric loves, and odd passions into profitable products...really!

  • Create a "mini map" of your own Enchanting Product Playground...a fascinating set of whimsical tools and toys to help you identify the fun, playful steps to bringing your products to reality!

  • Explore your personal keys to keeping the play alive…learn how and why work never has to feel like work!

  • Receive a dynamic follow-up workbook including inspiring and effective ARTsignments™ to uncover even more new sources and opportunities for creating and selling products with the spirit of playful abandon!

  • Get a chance to work 1-on-1 with Marney for FREE in a special Product Playground follow up opportunity. Spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis, and full details will be given during the live class.

  • For those also interested in hearing more about Marney's intimate business-building group, Mapping and Mentoring with Marney, you can stay for a fun gathering after the call, featuring information, inspiration, and really neat success stories from program participants.

    Simply fill in the form below receive the recording and accompanying workbook!

    Questions? Contact us here!