Creativity Tip:
Art inspiration from the great big world of tiny things: quantum physics!
Artellagram 7-14-12

The world is all abuzz with the recent scientific news that the Higgs boson, a.k.a the “god particle”, has finally been found. It is the long sought-after completion piece to the standard model taught in physics of the entire universe as we know it, and is considered to be one of the biggest scientific discoveries in history. So, in celebration with our jubilant science friends across the world, we thought this would be a particularly good time to see if we could get some unique and juicy art inspiration from the creatively charged land of quantum physics!

One of my favorite parts of writing Creating Time was exploring the scientific aspects of time. I had a great time finding scientific information to support the idea that we can, indeed, create our own experience of time, from Einstein’s Theory of Relativity to the modern quantum physics notion that the observer has an effect on the observed, to the scientific breakdown of how light reflection works…let’s just say that my inner geek had a field day reading all kinds of scientific studies and books. The book, Six Easy Pieces, by Richard Feynman, was one such book. The book lays out the essentials of physics in – you guessed it – six easy pieces.

It got me thinking: what are the “six easy pieces” of art?

My answer: the six pieces you are most compelled to make! Try making any kind of art with “six easy pieces” and see what happens!

For example, take a look at the artistic tribute to my father that I shared in the “Marney’s Musings” article in this week’s Artellagram (shown left). There are exactly six elements used to make up the collage: two background papers, a dictionary page, a torn piece of sheet music, a floral embellishment, and digitally-added text.

Try it yourself: give yourself the challenge to create a piece of art with “six easy pieces”.

What might it mean to write a story or poem with “six easy pieces”?

How about improving your everyday life? What might it mean to get organized or improve your general well-being in “six easy pieces”?

Have fun! Maybe physics does have all the answers! :-)

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