In the Studio

Featured in the ARTELLAGRAM 4-27-13
An Interview with Donna Duff

Our interview this month is with Donna Duff

Donna Duff

Artella: What led you to become a Certified ARTbundance™ Coach?

Donna: It fit my philosophy of how the arts enhance life. Working with challenged students and adults I found the arts to be the key to success in learning as well as transitioning into life.

Artella: How has your ARTbundance™ training affected your work and/or life?

Donna: It has become a way of life now. It was time I took the leap from public education so I could be more effective reaching ALL people not just a selective few. ARTbundance™ validated my ways and living so now I am very open about being artsy.


Artella: In your mind, how are creativity and spirituality related?

Donna: The spiritual connection takes the creativity to a deeper personal level. Beautiful works manifest when the heart, soul, mind and body are working in sync. It helps to reach out to others using creativity as a tool because when the spiritual is in place hearts can connect to reach another.

Artella: How is prosperity related to creativity and spirituality?

Donna: If your heart is in your work via passion and empathy the path opens to reward your works because the focus is for all the right reasons.

Money Dragon
Money Dragon

Artella: What kinds of people do you most enjoy working with? Who is your ideal client?

Donna: I love a challenge!!! People who are struggling, stuck in a runt or have ADHD, etc. are awesome to work with because when the "light bulb" moment happens it is so much sweeter. To assist a person to overcome the road blocks and jump the bumps in their life journey is priceless. Success breeds success, that's what ARTbundance™ is all about, reaching a creative success!

Donna's Mermaid Muse, created in ACT
Mermaid Muse

Artella: What does your future hold? What projects are you working on now?

Donna: My business, Creative Tidal Wave, focuses on meeting challenges by incorporating the arts as tools via creative and imaginative coaching. With a creative mind there are no limits just alternatives on a different path. Visit to learn more and sign up for a free introductory 45-minute coaching session.

Through May 3, we are accepting applications for ACT 9 and for the very first time, you can attend an actual sample class…for free! See what ARTbundance™ Certification Training is all about with this free ACT Appetizer training class on this Wednesday!

Get info about the Free ACT Appetizer Training teleclass on May 1…

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