Marney's Musings:
Creating Your Soul's Snow Globe

Artellagram 12-18-12

Last week, Kai and I were finally putting up the holiday decorations.  I was a little tired, and slightly frustrated as Kai was getting into all the boxes, throwing the newspaper around, and the scene was becoming increasingly disorderly. But all my worries melted away when, as we were setting up the figures in the nativity scene, I pointed out the three Wise Men, and he instantly picked up Mary and said, "And here's the Wise Woman!" :-)

To me, this was a "snow globe moment"…a moment that I'd like to capture and save forever in glittery timelessness.

I have always been fascinated by snow globes. Here's a short excerpt from Creating Time about their special magic:

As a child, I remember, I fantasized about what it would be like to live inside of a snow globe. I think this fantasy was rooted in growing up in Texas and longing for snow. And yet, even then, perhaps part of me longed for the still perfection of a glitter-filled utopia and the metaphor for timelessness that it provides. In those sparkly little dome-shaped wonderlands, there is only the present, only the now, only that world. Nothing else matters — appointments, responsibilities, negotiations. Everything is flowing, shimmeringly encapsulated in the moment, encased in a flow globe.

There is hardly a better metaphor for timelessness than snow globes and the sparkly little wonderlands they encase. At this new year's transition, it's an interesting inquiry to explore our "snow globe moments" for 2012. So I invite you to explore...What moments would you like to capture from the past year...what memory would you most like to encase in the surreal sparkle of timelessness?

And, if we dare to be bold, we can even look toward the coming year and envision a "snowglobe moment" that we would like to create for the year ahead. In other words, what goal or dream is on your mind and heart for this year...and how might you envision it as a "snowglobe moment" that you might want to make come true?

If one of your possible snowglobe moments for 2013 is to activate your creativity while stepping into a whole new creative path for yourself, I invite you to take a look at the new 2013 ARTbundance Certification Training (applications due Dec 31) and see all the sparkly new things we've added for 2013.

Lastly, every single eProduct in Artella's snowglobe world is 40% off through December 31! Hundreds of creative eProducts to choose from that make great gifts for everyone on your list, including yourself of course! Have fun Walkin' in a Winter Artella Land!

Happy Holidays, from all of us at Artella!

Applications for the 2013 session of ACT are being accepted through December 31. You can learn more about ACT and request an application here.

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