Creativity Tip:
Soul's Snowglobe
Artellagram 12-18-12

In ARTbundance™, we call upon dozens and dozens of ARTsignments™ to guide our clients and students to transform any situation using creativity. When we use our hands to create art, we sidestep the linear confines of traditional mental contemplation, and often go into deeper, more intuitive place of awareness.

As you're exploring both your memories from 2012 and your intentions for 2013, here is a fun ARTsignment™ to play with to creatively depict your favorite "Snowglobe moments" from both the past and the future.

4 Ways to Creatively Capture Snow Globe Moments:

1. Click the above image to download a printable snow globe, and then draw your "moment" inside it. Your "moment" could be a memory from this year that you want to remember, or it could be an intention for next year, that you would like to honor and activate through your creativity

2. Purchase a snowglobe kit (available at craft and hobby stores) and insert a meaningful photograph, image, or even an ATC or small collage.

3. Make your own snow globe by placing meaningful (and waterproof) objects, such as small toys or decorations, in a jar. You can glue the objects to the bottom of the jar, or just let them float around. Add water and glitter. You can add a few drops of glycerin (available at drug stores) to make the glitter move through the water more slowly and gracefully. 

4. Draw, paint, or collage your "moment" and then place the art in a plastic notebook sleeve. Insert glitter or other sparkly bits into the sleeve and then carefully tape it shut. This is a fun way to save your art...simply shake the sleeve to get a bit of magic!

Applications for the 2013 session of ACT are being accepted through December 31. You can learn more about ACT and request an application here.

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