Marney's Musings:
The Song-Shifting Secret

Artellagram 11-29-12

"All That Jazz"

My husband knows the best way to get on my good side is to "turn a moment into a musical". I'm a real sucker for song lyrics. :-) Part of it is my long-ingrained love for musicals. After growing up on Rogers and Hammerstein, attending a performing arts high school, and spending my early 20s pursuing a theater and singing career in New York City, musicals are so deeply embedded in my soul. Even today, nothing can get me more nostalgic than humming a reframe from the classic musical songbook, and yet, there's something about taking an everyday situation and turning it into a song that goes even deeper than mere nostalgia and familiarity. It's the magical ability of song to shift the mood, energy, and feeling at any moment…instantly!

Just last night, when my family returned home from our Thanksgiving vacation, we were greeted by an awful smell coming from the kitchen. A good-sized bin of food from the refrigerator had been left out in our absence, and needless to say, it emanated quite the interesting set of odors. But instead of getting upset, at Tony’s initiation, we turned the incident into an everyday musical, and as we took turns adding our new lyrics to "Margaritaville" and old Air Supply hits, we laughed ourselves silly (side note: I never realized how few words rhyme with "fridge", LOL).

Feeling frustrated in an everyday life moment? Make it a Musical Moment instead! Here are three ways that a song can shift any situation:

1. Your own mood changes. It's hard to be crabby when you're singing!  Next time you are feeling grumpy, start singing your feelings and see what happens.

2. Other people's moods change. Just as I'm powerless when Tony starts to "turn a moment into a musical", most people would be hard-pressed to not at least crack a smile when they see you singing your way through everyday life.  See what happens to the people around you when you let yourself sing, not just in the shower, but around friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers.

3. The air around you changes... I'll never forget the first time I experienced tuning forks applied as a healing tool, during an acupuncture session. The best way I can describe it is to say that the air changed when the tuning forks were chimed. I could feel it in my breath... and much research has been done about the effect of sound, specifically musical sound, on our health. When you sing, or even hum, you are literally changing the molecules in the air around you.

Quick, creative shifts are also exactly the motivation behind the ARTbundance™ approach of self-discovery through creativity. Through ARTsignments™ -- quick creative exercises – we can shift anything – bad moods, old beliefs, longstanding patterns – instantly. And, since it all happens through art and creativity, these shifts can be fun and inspiring, too.

If you'd like to see first-hand how ARTbundance™ comes to life, I invite you to join me and several ARTbundance™ Certification Training Alumni for our free class next Wednesday, December 5: ARTbundance™ in Action: A Creative Romp in the ARTsignment™ Sandbox.

"I have other coach training as well as a Masters in NLP and ARTbundance™ training is, by far, the best thing I have done for myself (and my clients). With the ARTbundance™ Process, you can go deeper, faster without getting all caught up in the issues and stories. This training curriculum is deep yet easy to learn and incorporate within a coaching practice. I have enjoyed the classes, have made great friends and feel a vital part of the ACT Community. Over the past few months, I have learned more than I ever thought I would and feel very confident moving forward." - Judy Womack

And, speaking of songs, if you'd like to hear me sing lots of funny holiday song parodies, within a fun an whimsical structure that gets you to complete your own eBook before the holidays, it's not too late to join in "Passionate Packages Tied Up With Strings".

"I am absolutely amazed. I can't believe how easily and quickly my eBook is coming together, and I have to say, I loved the singing in class, and it really does make a difference, it really does make it less intimidating and so much more fun!" – Liz Gow

"I've found my groove with your system. I now know why I wasn't creating things before I joined this program...I wasn't inspired! I want to stay up all night and write!" - Mary Jo Briggs

Applications for the 2013 session of ACT are being accepted through December 15. You can learn more about ACT and request an application here.

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