Marney's Musings:
The Busy, Blissy Holiday Season

Artellagram 11-14-12

Our experiences with time are deeply embedded in our longstanding patterns and old stories and beliefs; sometimes these beliefs no longer serve us, and can benefit from a bit of updating. For example, this time of year, it's easy to subscribe to the old belief that "the holiday season is too busy to get anything creative done". Do you find yourself feeling this way?

I believe that the exact opposite is true, and we can actually benefit from the very full days in the upcoming holiday season. There is something about movement that literally moves us. You may have heard me share the story that the idea and initial plans for Artella came to me while recovering from a knee replacement, and learning to walk again for the first time in quite a while. I fully believe that something about that time of intense movement got other parts of my mind and soul moving as well, and propelled me into a trajectory I could have never guessed. I've noticed that it's surprisingly common that when people start one of Artella's business-building programs, they are in the midst of a physical move. Moving is magnetic for more movement!

Take a moment to think about how your creativity might actually benefit from the busy-ness of the holiday season. How might you harness the movement, joy, and mirth of the season and funnel that directly into your creativity.

If the idea of blending productive creativity with the joy of the season appeals to you, might you be interested in taking a look at the upcoming series, "Passionate Packages Tied Up with Strings", which starts on Monday. When you sign up, you immediately get a KickStart package and instructions to send your product idea for me to review, prior to when the session begins next week. Let's play with some of your "favorite things" and get them wrapped up and ready to sell! You can find all the details below.

It starts next week… five creative weeks to guide you through every step of creating an eBook that you can sell, which can become the basis of any product or event you want to launch… and yes, to even bring it to completion before the holidays! Get details about Passionate Packages Tied Up With Strings, here!

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