In the Studio

ARTELLAGRAM 11-14-2012:
An Interview with Caroline Douglas

Caroline Douglas

Artella: Describe your work and creative process.

Caroline: I received a BFA in ceramics at the University of North Carolina and have worked with clay for 30 years. Currently, my figurative sculptures are evocations of a dream world. Inspiration comes from mythology, fairy tales, and dreams, as well as the antics of animals and children. In 2000, I suffered a severe brain injury that ended up saving my life, because it introduced me to the power of creativity in a whole new way. Not only did art save my life, it now is my life. Twelve years later, I am a full-time professional artist, teacher, and ARTbundance™ coach. Working with art, I felt my life return and my spirit renewed. I am so passionate about this transformation in myself that it is my deep desire to share the healing power of art with others.

Artella: What led you to become a Certified ARTbundance™ Coach?

Caroline: I loved a call I heard by Marney and thought I had finally found my mentor! I had been wanting to explore coaching for a long time but never met the right person or program. With ARTbundance™, everything just clicked.

Lady of Enchantment

Artella: What kinds of people do you most enjoy working with? Who is your ideal client?

Caroline:  I enjoy working with playful people who are yearning for more creativity, inspiration and fun. I am drawn to working with people who appreciate beauty and want to explore their inner life through creativity.

Artella: How has your ARTbundance™ training affected your work and/or life?

Caroline: It has given me confidence around my abilities of speaking and coaching. The coaching practice sessions and speaking practices were so natural and fun! I loved assisting people in finding their own answers and inspiration through creativity.

Zebra Chair

Artella: In your mind, how are creativity and spirituality related?

Caroline:I see them as totally related. I discover spirituality through creativity. When one is involved in creativity, there is just the present moment. I feel so lucky to be able to experience that place of no thinking and just be in appreciation of this moment.

Artella: How is prosperity related to creativity and spirituality?

Caroline: Prosperity is a state of mind. As we believe we are wealthy and living in abundance, we are there. If we believe we are living in lack, our belief is what makes it so. And as we create and dwell in appreciation, there is fullness within us and we can tap into a feeling of overflowing with abundance.

Artella: ARTbundance™ Coaching is based on nine ARTbundance™ Principles. Do you have a favorite Principle, or one that you really enjoy activating in other people? Which one, and why?

Caroline: I love activating in others the principle of gratitude. It is the basis of joy. When we focus on being grateful instead of focusing on what is wrong, we open the door for more things to be grateful for.

Red Birds

Artella: What does your future hold? What projects are you working on now?

Caroline: I am coaching and teaching more. These classes or sessions include the 9 Principles and the idea that as you create a visual prompt, as in a clay piece, it serves as a reminder to BE where you focus your attention. Soon these will be online offerings. I am working on a deck of inspirational cards with images of my clay work on them. I am beginning to offer intuitive portraits and personal oracle cards for people which represent their life purpose, life lesson and life school. If this sounds interesting to you, please contact me at and check out my website at

About Caroline Douglas: Caroline's current work involves creating fine art, classes, products, and services that encourage people to develop right-brained dominance, and feel the same freedom, joy, and creativity that she does. Publications include Ceramics: Art and Perception, Lark Books, The Shambhala Sun, and Better Homes and Gardens. Caroline's work is in the National Museum for Women in the Arts and many private collections. Visit

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