Marney's Musings:
Maps for Magic and Metaphors

Artellagram 10-30-12

When you allow yourself to lie back, relax, and think about your dream, what happens to your face? Does a shy little smile break out over your lips, similar to this glimpse of little Kai? Do you fall into laughter? Does your brow crinkle as you worry about the details? Do you roll your eyes in doubt, perhaps even unconsciously?

What happens to your face when you are thinking of your dream is really important. This is literally the "face" of your creative dream, and it can give you important clues.

For example, when your face is lit up, pay attention…this is what you need to be doing more of, as you take steps toward your dream. When your face is tight or constricted, this is where you need to find new support and solutions. While this might sound obvious, it's helpful to have this very specific tool to help pinpoint these "high emotion" areas that are hiding out in our dream; sometime they can be a bit elusive. Our face is always with us, and becoming more aware of it is an easy way to have an instant gauge on what's working and what's not.

For me, I can always depend on my smile to help me know if I'm on the right track. One of my "rules" is that the title of anything I create needs to make me smile. For example, lately, I've been singing out loud the title of my upcoming series, "Passionate Packages Tied Up with Strings" ( to the tune of "My Favorite Things") and it makes me happy, so I kept it. :-)

A few years ago, I was looking for new eyeglass frames. I spent an hour in the shop, trying on different frames. I finally found a pair that, when I tried them on, looked like ‘me’. Imagine my surprise when my husband pointed out that they were exactly the same frames I already had, just a little glossier and newer looking. I had spent an hour looking for new frames, only to discover that I already had what I wanted!

I often think of this when I think of the "face" of our dreams and projects. Look for those moments when your face looks and feels most "like you". Look for more opportunities to bring that forward. That will lead you right to the heart of your dream.

If you'd like to learn how creativity can help you find the confidence for your wildest dreams, take a look at the free teleclass happening next Wednesday, "Doodle Your Dare: Using ARTsignments to Unearth Inner Confidence for Your Wildest Dreams!"

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