In the Studio

Featured in the ARTELLAGRAM 1-18-14

Jill Allison Bryan Talks about Planning and Creating Time

Jill Allison Bryan

Artella: What is a creative oasis, and why is it central to your work?

Jill: To me, anything that makes your heart sing and time fly is your Creative Oasis™. It might be something conventionally artistic such as painting, writing or making music but it can also be gardening, baking, yoga or starting a business. I believe when we allow ourselves to pursue and enjoy our own Creative Oasis we create a life worth living. We're healthier, happier, more productive and more fulfilled in all aspects of our lives. Sharing the tools, techniques and compassionate support that allow people to experience this for themselves is my calling and the mission of Creative Oasis Coaching™.

Artella: What does "planning" look like in a Creative Oasis?

Jill: Planning for Creative Oasis time begins with permission – either giving ourselves permission to spend time pursuing things that energize and delight us or finding that permission elsewhere, perhaps from a coach, class or group. It also involves giving ourselves lots of choices. We creative types can be quite rebellious, so we don't like to be told what to do. Rather than planning what feels like a list of "I Have To" items, I'm all about creating a vast array of "I Get To" options. This allows me the freedom to focus on something that feels inciting on any given day. Also, I like to remind people that our Creative Oasis dreams can always be broken down into small doable steps.

Artella: How do you approach making plans? What's your personal planning philosophy?

Jill: During my time as a member of Marney's "Mapping and Mentoring" program, I've learned how vital it is to follow my energy to keep the momentum flowing in my Creative Oasis. So again, having choices each day that allow me to go the project or step to which I'm feeling most attracted is a great way for me to keep my plans fresh and inviting. Quick-listing and mind-mapping are two of my favorite tools for coming up with lots and lots of possible small steps to add to my "I Get To" list.

Personally, and I think many creative people share this, I love a deadline. So if I really want to see a creative project through using a series of deadlines for myself is very helpful. That's another instance when a coach, class or group is useful. In MMM, we set intentions each week and this is a great way to stay on track with our plans. That being said, it's good to be gentle with ourselves and realize that sometimes the non-linear nature of creativity leads us away from one plan and into a totally different experience and that's okay. If we're still moving forward and enjoying our Creative Oasis that's the main thing. As a master Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach I believe focusing on and reveling in the process rather than the product is what keeps creative types happy and healthy in the long run.


Artella: What do hear most often from clients as their too complaint for not living out their dreams?

Jill: Many of my clients feel they don't have enough time to pursue their creative interests and dreams. They may feel guilt for wanting to spend time doing something enjoyable when there are so many other obligations in life pulling them this way and that. This is one of the reasons I'm so thrilled to be able to offer Creating Time for Your Creative Oasis as a licensed facilitator using Marney's wonderful book, Creating Time. There are so many innovative ways to transform our relationship with time and I just adore sharing and practicing them, and a new 12-week teleclass is beginning January 28. [Jill is offering a special discount for Artellagram readers, in which Marney is teaching one of the classes; scroll down for details.]

Some people may feel they're not good enough and play negative scripts over and over in their minds. They listen to their inner critic voices saying things like "Why bother? There are so many people with more talent than you." Or "You're wasting your time and money." Others deeply desire creative fulfillment in their lives but simply don't know what they want to do or where to begin

Artella: How do you help people who say they don't have time for their creative oasis?

Jill: Since the creativity coaching experience changed my life in such a positive way, it's now my passion to share that transformative experience with others through my coaching, classes, workshops and e-books. People often believe they need huge chunks of uninterrupted time for their creativity, but the truth is that delving into your Creative Oasis for even five or ten minutes can lift your spirits and add joy to the rest of your day. And like creating any good habit (exercising, eating right or learning a new skill) enjoying our creative passions as a normal part of our everyday life happens over time.

I also like to remind people that they have a choice when it comes to how they spend their time. Sometimes we may not realize how much time we're spending on things like Facebook or email. When we remember that we can choose to spend time doing something creatively fulfilling rather than sitting in front of the TV it's very empowering. We can ask ourselves, "Which would I rather do?" If we choose TV over creativity that's fine if we're giving ourselves the choice. (Sometimes you just want to veg out in front of the TV) but often we just find ourselves stuck in a rut of time-sucking habits that we don't realize we've fallen into. Being aware of this and giving ourselves choices is a great first step.

Often, people are looking at changing a lifetime of procrastination, negative self-talk and feeling there's not enough time. That's why it's so important to have the gentle accountability and support of a coach, class or group to help them build new healthy habits that allow them to experience a creatively fulfilling life. Once creativity becomes a part of their day-to-day lives, most of my clients say they can't imagine going back to living without their Creative Oasis!

Jill is offering a super special $100 discount to all Artellagram readers who sign up for Creating Time for Your Creative Oasis 12-Week Teleclass

During this interactive teleclass you'll experience hands-on exploration of Marney's best-selling book Creating Time including lots of fun creative prompts and ARTsignments. One of our classes will even be led by Marney herself. For more details, visit

Please e-mail directly to if you'd like to register using your special Artellagram discount or have any questions.

Jill Allison Bryan is a singer/songwriter and a certified Master level Kaizen–Muse® Creativity Coach who works with groups, businesses and individuals through one-on-one coaching, teleclasses, presentations, workshops and retreats. She knows first hand the life-changing power of creativity coaching. Using the unique and effective methods of KMCC, Jill wrote and recorded her debut solo CD, "Dancing in Limbo," hosted her CD release as a silent art auction benefit that raised over $10,000 for Women for Women International, and founded her own successful business, Creative Oasis Coaching™. A recovering procrastinator herself, Jill believes if she can do it, anyone can learn to enrich his or her life with creative joy and fulfillment. Jill is passionate about helping people do just that

Visit Jill's website and her blog Her CD, Dancing In Limbo, is available on CDBaby. You can connect with Jill at and

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